Experience time in a new way
Eclipse “Walk with Light” is an interactive night walk experience. A unique and artistic sound to light forest night walk at the Rotary Village Station inside Muskoka Heritage Place in Huntsville, Ontario.
Participants walk a circular path of light, where they encounter unique heritage buildings and illuminated soundscapes linked to the seasons of the year, and the cycles of the day and moon.
Each experience is carefully crafted with soundscape & poetry, sculpture & signage, and interactive light art. Participants are invited to lose themselves and experience the non-linear nature of time.

Dance your silhouette at Moonrise.
Play the marimba at Twilight.
Ring a bell to activate the flowers at Awaken
rise with the moon to dream up the night
your sleepy-head once again heavy with harvest
dance her slow and stable
as she draws circles around us
marvel at her strength
as she lifts oceans to high tides
while holding her mirror to the sun
can you cast your shadow on the moon
to dance her changing face?