Back in 2015, Music By The Sea and Limbic Media premiered the first version of “The World’s Largest Instrument” at the Music By The Sea Festival in Bamfield, BC.
In preparation for another performance on Canada Day 2017 in Port Alberni, to celebrate 150, we have started working on adding high power RGB LED panels to each horn.
Initial wiring of custom LED panel
A high power grid of LED’s custom made by Limbic Media will be connected to each remote horn. When a keyboard note is played from the shore then the respective horn will sound and the LED array will light up. Each horn lights up with a different colour.
Simon lit up and ready to go to sea
We took the test panel out to sea in a row boat and it looked really cool! The light from the panel created a beautiful reflection all the way to the beach.

Testing of the LED array out at sea ~200m.